Our Story

Our story begins with a quest for a refreshing, tasty, healthy drink suitable for after exercise, daily refreshment, or with meals. Looking high and low, we really found nothing better than water! All other purported healthy drinks, even fruit juice, contained high amounts of sugar or added benefits that did not really deliver on their health claims.

The world of probiotics was just opening; new research results were being published, which showed both direct and indirect health benefits. The problem with probiotic drinks currently in the market did not taste refreshing and were not suited to after-sports drinks.

That was the beginning of Tibicos Sparkling Probiotic from Water Kefir Grains. As far as naturally fermented probiotic drinks go, this is by far the best-tasting drink available. We mixed it with natural fruit juice and got a refreshing, tasty drink full of live probiotics – lactic acid.

How do we know this? Well, We sent Tibicos to test for presence of probiotic to labs in the US and Thailand, and it turned out that each bottle contained around 30,000 billion CFU of lactic acid with no contaminants!

Our team has expanded to include food scientists and microbiologists. Because we know and believe our product does contain healthy benefits, our science and research group continue to develop and check for product consistency in taste and live lactic acid.

We are very proud of our drink and hope you will be too!

Our Mission

We believe your gut holds the key to your overall well-being. Our products aim to improve gut health, nutrition and to be a part of your lifestyle./p>


For us, taste and quality that delivers 30,000 million Colony Forming Units (CFU) of live probiotic is our standard. That’s why we invested with our Food scientists research into propagating our strain of water kefir grains, we harvest, rest, and grow our own kefir grains. Both our kefir grains and Tibicos products were tested at Zymo Research, USA for microbiome by using 16S & 18S Targeted Sequencing methods. The results showed a great number of lactobacillus casei and paracasei with beneficial yeast.   Further lab tests at the Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technical Research (TISTR) revealed a total count of lactic acid bacteria per bottle was 30,000 billion CFU.

Each weekly small production batch is controlled for sugar and Ph content. This gives consistent growth for our live probiotic and keeps taste within key parameters. Our weekly production ensures delivery of fresh tasting sparkling live probiotic within every bottle of Tibicos.